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Art for the environment

I have always loved art. As a kid I used to paint, draw, play the drums, write poems, and act in theater plays. These days my passion for art mostly manifests by collaborating with artists to raise awareness on environmental issues. See below for some recent collaborations.


If you are an artist and want to collaborate, please reach out! I love all kinds of art!

Peter Hassen Art

Named for the era in which we find ourselves living, the Anthropocene series examines 6 different taxa and their status as "Indicator Species".  Birds, Bees, Frogs, Butterflies, Aquatic insects and Fish all act as "canaries in the coal mine", as their relative health in their ecosystems is an indicator of that ecosystem's health.  As climate change closes in on us, our very survival depends on, and is indicated by, the biodiversity of the natural world we will always be reliant upon.

This exhibit is now live in the Modern Art Gallery in Sonoma, California until November 10, 2022

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Migration Songs


Migration Songs is a collaboration of poems and scientific text or photos when eleven contemporary poets were paired with an ornithologist or scientist to consider and write about various birds. This chapbook was produced for the 27th International Ornithological Congress in Vancouver, British Columbia, August 19–26, 2018.

I worked closely with Joanne Arnott, a Métis/mixed-blood writer and arts activist, who eloquently captured the essence of my research in a beautiful poem

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